Near Short Circuit Experiment

Variable dimensions
Construction in wood, electromagnets, magnets, wires and incandescent bulbs

In Near Short Circuit Experiment, two pendulums oscillate symmetrically, moving closer and further apart in a synchronized manner. The two almost collide. If you look closely, you will notice that each end of the pendulums has an exposed wire. Wires that, what’s more, almost touch. The name of the work then becomes clear: Near Short Circuit Experiment. When the pendulums touch, they will produce a short circuit! Will they burn out the work’s electrical network, burning out the ten soft incandescent bulbs around it? Will the short-circuited work, being connected to the gallery’s power supply, turn off the electrical network of the entire space, leaving you and the other people in the room in the dark? Would you be faced with the potential risk of an aesthetic blackout experiment? It was exhibited in the solo exhibitions Weights and Measures in 2018 at the Baró gallery and Hybrid Inventions at Caixa Cultural São Paulo, SP.