Detail of the crane

Y.E.S. (Yellow Electronic System)

Sound sculpture made of marupá, canvas, sisal, twine, amplifier, wah-wah pedal, infrared sensor, lamp and electronic circuit
Collection from the Fortes D’Aloia & Gabriel collection

Y.E.S. is a sculpture inspired by the black devil fish that lives in the depths of the ocean and is capable of attracting its prey with a kind of luminescent protrusion on its head. At the top of the work there is a yellow lamp. When the work is not approached, it remains silent and only the lamp turns on and off like breathing. When someone approaches the work near the wah-wah pedal, the sensor detects the presence and the work enters the active state. At this moment, chaotically generated microtonal tones are triggered by the two eyes of the sculpture at the same time as a mechanism strikes the string installed in the head of the work. People can interact with the work by adding the wah-wah effect by stepping on the effects pedal.

It was produced especially for the CNI SESI Marcantonio Vilaça Visual Arts Award and participated in the Award’s itinerary in 2012 and 2013. It was also shown in the exhibition Esculturas para Ouvir at MuBE, São Paulo, curated by Cauê Alves.